Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How to play as Jason guide in Friday the 13th game.

Guide on how to play as the Jason character in Friday the 13th game!

Main goal for playing as Jason is to chase and kill all of the counselors roaming around on the map before they get away or the round ends.

To help you accomplish this Jason has a set of abilities which include the following:
  • Morph
    Allows Jason to teleport around the map.
  • Sense
    A way of detecting locations of counselors, the higher fear level a counselor has the easier it is to find them. Sense can detect counselors in cabins but cant exactly pinpoint them.
  • Shift
    This is basically a stealth run in order to catch up to counselors.
  • Rage
    Abilities are more powerful, allows Jason to break thru doors and some walls.
Note: Abilities have a cool-down, use them wisely.

Jason can destroy many objects around the map which will heighten the fear on the counselors making the easy to find with the sense ability. Here are some of the objects you can destroy around the map:
  • Radios
    Prevent counselors from causing noise distractions
  • Doors / Walls
    Breaking doors and walls with counselors near will scare them.
  • Electric Boxes
    Destroying electrical boxes will cut the power to the lights putting more fear into counselors.
  • Windows
    Shattering windows makes it more dangerous for counselors to use them for getting away.
Other stuff to check out for Jason are the many different fatality options. You can equip up to four different kill types and purchase more using customization points by leveling up. These special kill types can be triggered when you grab a counselor.  There are also some other kill types depending on your location, for instance if you are near a fireplace Jason will use that to cause a special fatality.

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